For these delicious mint chocolate cupcakes I used my favourite recipe from the Primrose Bakery cookbook p21 but switched the icing for mint instead.
You can use any chocolate cupcake recipe, then for the mint icing you need:
115g unsalted butter (softened)
40ml milk
1 tsp peppermint essence
40ml milk
1 tsp peppermint essence
1/2 tsp green food colouring
500g icing sugar
500g icing sugar
Put the butter in a bowl and mix until softened, gradually add the icing sugar and the milk. Add the peppermint essence to taste.
To create a two tone icing effect put half the icing into another bowl and add green food colouring until you get the desired colour.
When you put the icing in the icing bag keep the colours seperate and you will get a nice design like in the picture below.
For the finishing touch I added an After Eight mint chocolate and a mint chocolate Matchmaker. Simple but effective :)